Accepting Invoice and Trust Payments via LawPay - CaseFox

Accepting Invoice and Trust Payments via LawPay

Welcome to the CaseFox-LawPay integration setting page. You may accept online payments from your clients via CaseFox client portals. See Client Online Portal for details.

You have a choice to process payments through LawPay. Only LawPay can be used for accepting payments into client trust accounts. Payments made by your clients through their dedicated CaseFox client portal pages go directly to your LawPay or PayPal accounts. CaseFox does not charge any processing fees for these payments. However, PayPal and LawPay will charge processing fees for each payment. Please refer to your LawPay or PayPal accounts for processing fee details.

Please follow these steps for configuring your CaseFox and LawPay accounts for automatic payments. 

Settings in LawPay

1. Login to your LawPay account at

2. Click on the button in the upper right corner. This button should have your name on it.

3. Select Settings

4. On the right side, click on "Developers".

5. Click on "Authorize Application". Select "casefox" in the dropdown box and click on the "Authorize Application" button. In the Authorized Applications section, click on Show Credentials. On the popup, click on the Live Credentials tab and copy the account IDs of trust and/or operating accounts. You will enter these in CaseFox->LawPay Settings Page.

6. On the same page, under the "Webhooks" section enter in the "Live-mode Webhook URLs" box and hit enter. The entry should now be displayed just above the textbox.

7. Click on the Save Changes button towards the bottom of the page.

8. Now click on the New Charges icon on the left sidebar. You should see Payment boxes for each account you have set up in Law Pay.

9. On the upper right corner of these payment boxes, click on "Actions" and then select "Show& Copy Page Link". Copy the link and paste it to an empty Notepad file for later reference. Also not down if the copied link is for a trust account or operating account. You will need these links later when configuring your CaseFox account for accepting payments through LawPay.

Settings in CaseFox

1. Login to your CaseFox account (you must be an Admin user of your CaseFox account)

2. Click on Settings/Tools/Reports

3. On the left sidebar, select the "LawPay Settings" link

4. Enter your LawPay operating account payment page link that you pasted in a Notepad document(see #9 under the "Settings in LawPay" section above).

5. Enter your LawPay trust account payment page link.

6. Save.

How to Accept LawPay Payments through CaseFox

1. Login to your CaseFox account

2. Select the "Client Online Portals" link on the left sidebar under the "Settings/Tools/Reports" link (upper right corner)

3. On the right side, select a client in the dropdown (alternatively, to create a client online URL for all existing clients, leave the default "All Remaining Clients" selected)

4. Optionally, select credit card payment surcharge. When a client pays a certain amount, CaseFox will reduce that payment by this percentage and record the resultant amount against the client's invoice(s). No adjustment of the amount will be made when a client pays into the trust account.

5. Click on the "Create Client Portal URL" button.

6. Click on the URL under the "Payment URL" table heading to make a copy of the URL. You may send this URL to the Client. This URL will also be printed on the Client's invoices (if the Print On Invoices checkbox is selected). This is a permanent URL for this Client

7. When Client visits this URL, they will see their unpaid invoices and all payments previously made. Further, if there are unpaid invoices, the page will also enable the Client to make a payment (which will be processed through your LawPay account). Payments made will be transparently recorded as invoice payments in CaseFox.

8. Client can also make payments to the trust account through this page. A trust payment made through this page will be processed through your LawPay account and upon successful payment, the payment will also be transparently recorded in the CaseFox trust account module.

How to Accept Trust Payment via LawPay from a New Client

1. Login to your CaseFox Account

2. Click on the Clients tab

3. Click on Add Client and enter the client's information. Save

4. Select the "Client Online Portals" link on the left sidebar under the "Settings/Tools/Reports" link (upper right corner)

5. On the right side, select the client in the dropdown (alternatively, to create a client online URL for all existing clients, leave the default "All Remaining Clients" selected)
 6. Click on the "Create Client Portal URL" button.

7. Click on the URL under the "Payment URL" table heading to make a copy of the URL. You may send this URL to the newly added client
 8. When the client visits this URL, the client can click on the "Pay Advance Fee" button to make a trust payment. The trust payment will be automatically recorded for this client in CaseFox.


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