Automatic Calendar Sync with Your Google Calendar - CaseFox

Automatic Calendar Sync with Your Google Calendar

To enable CaseFox to automatically create calendar entries in your Google Calendar:

1. log in to your CaseFox account. Go to "Settings/Tools/Reports" -> "Google Settings".

2. Use the button to link to your Google Contacts and Calendar. The screen will redirect to Google for permissions. Grant permissions to CaseFox.

Once your CaseFox account is linked with your Google Calendar, calendaring items created in Cases (Projects)->"Calendaring" are automatically synced with your Google Calendar. If you make changes to any of these automatically synced calendar entries in Google Calendar directly, you may click on the "Update Cal/Tasks"link on the dashboard to update corresponding entries in CaseFox automatically.

CaseFox also offers importing events created directly in your Google Calendar. Click on the "From Google Cal" button on the Dashboard to selectively import Google Calendar events and associating imported events with cases/matters in your CaseFox account.

Discovery Tracking and Docketing/Calendaring

During the lifespan of a case, various types of deadlines including various types of motions, filings, discovery requests, and responses need to be tracked to ensure timely action. CaseFox®can help you track deadlines and tasks. Overdue items are highlighted for easy identification and automatic reminder emails are sent prior to due dates. To create an event/calendar entry, go to the Calendaring/docketing module, click on "Cases (Projects)", select the desired case, and then click on the Calendaring tab on the right-side pane. Then click on Add Event button.

You may also create events that are unrelated to any case. To do so, first, add a client. You may use your firm's name for this client. Under this client, add one or more cases. For example, you may add "Training", "MCLE", "Office Administration", "Personal", etc. Then add events/calendar entries under one or more of these cases. You may also use these "in-house" cases for entering time/expense entries (or storing documents) that are unrelated to any client.

CaseFox®also offers custom calendaring rules to automatically create calendar entries based on trigger dates. See Setting Up Ruled Based Calendaring.

CaseFox®also offers to synchronize calendaring items with external calendars (e.g., Outlook, Google Calendar, Android, iPhone, etc.). See Synchronizing Calendars through iCal Feed Subscription.The calendar feed needs to be subscribed once. Subsequently, your external calendar will automatically retrieve updates from CaseFox at regular intervals. CaseFox will also remind you via emails two days before, one day before, and on the event due date.

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