Automatic Import of Expenses From Client Invoicing Data

Automatic Import of Expenses From Client Invoicing Data

1.  Expense entries from client invoicing data (entered through "Add Note (Time/Expense)" option) are automatically imported into Income Expense Ledger.
2.  If an imported expense entry is deleted in the ledger, the entry is NOT deleted from the client invoicing data.
3.  If an imported expense entry is deleted in the client invoicing data, the corresponding entry is deleted from the ledger.
4.  If an imported entry is deleted in the ledger and subsequently updated in the client invoicing data, the entry is recreated in the ledger.
5. If an imported entry is edited in the ledger and then subsequently updated in the client invoicing data, the entry in the ledger is updated to reflect new amount, new date and/or new description.  
6. If an imported entry is updated in the ledger to categorize it in a proper expense category, updating the corresponding entry in the client invoicing data will not change that categorization.
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