Calendaring Rules - CaseFox

Calendaring Rules

Calendaring Rules For Calculating Court Dates Based On Triggers

CaseFox offers tracking important dates and action items. See Docketing/Calendaring. Calendaring rules may be configured manually or may be automated using a third party service is a third party subscription service that provides rules to automated court rules-based calendaring. CaseFox also offers synchronizing calendaring items with external calendars (e.g., Outlook, Google Calendar, Android, iPhone, etc.). See Synchronizing Calendars through iCal Feed Subscription.

Setup Steps

1. Login to CaseFox. Visit "Settings/Reports" -> "Calendaring Rules".
2. Setup court/jurisdiction. This external link provides good information about calculating dates for calendaring Calendaring in California State Court.
3. Add trigger events and then add rules. A trigger even is an event that triggers one or more further deadlines. For example, when trial date is set in a case, several other deadlines automatically comes in play (e.g., discovery must be finished certain days prior to Trial, etc.). Hence, "Trial" may be a trigger and those other deadlines can be Trigger Rules.
4. In most cases, these additional dates based on a particular event are regulated by state civil procedure, federal civil procedure, local rules, administrative bodies (e.g., IRS), etc.
5. If you practice before just one jurisdiction, you need to setup one "Court/Jurisdiction", identify one or more triggering events, various calendaring triggers and for each trigger, one or more trigger rules.
6. When adding trigger rules, determine if the court rules require counting calendar days or court days.
7. In most cases, when a deadline falls on a court holiday or on the weekend, the deadline is moved to the next court day. Therefore, you must also maintain holiday calendar in CaseFox (click on "Holidays" link next to the court/jurisdiction name in the list).
8. Check and recheck your calendaring rules and update them when rules change.
9. Check and recheck dates calculated by CaseFox. This functionality is provided with a full disclaimer of any liability.

Calendaring Events

1. See Docketing/Calendaring for adding triggering events in your calendar. Based on your trigger rules, all other dates will be automatically added to your calendar.
2. See Synchronizing Calendars through iCal Feed Subscription. iCal feed needs to be subscribed once with an external calendar. Once subscribed, the external calendar will automatically retrieve dates from CaseFox at regular time intervals.

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