Docketing/ Calendaring/Discovery Tracking

Docketing/ Calendaring/Discovery Tracking

During the lifespan of a case, various types of deadlines including various types of motions, filings, discovery requests and responses need to be tracked to ensure timely action. CaseFoxTM can help you track deadlines and tasks. Overdue items are highlighted for easy identification and automatic reminder emails are sent prior to due dates. To go to the Calendaring/docketing module, click on "Cases (Projects)", select a desired case and then click on the Calendaring tab on the rightside pane. CaseFoxTM also offers custom calendaring rules to automatically create calendar entries based on trigger dates. See Setting Up Ruled Based Calendaring.

CaseFoxTM also offers synchronizing calendaring items with external calendars (e.g., Outlook, Google Calendar, Android, iPhone, etc.). SeeSynchronizing Calendars through iCal Feed SubscriptionCalendar feed needs to be subscribed once. Subsequently, your external calendar will automatic retrieve updates from CaseFox at regular intervals. CaseFox will also remind you via emails two days before, one day before and on the even due date.

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