Document Population / Document Assembly - CaseFox

Document Population / Document Assembly

Please click on Document Assembly tab for a case or matter.  On the screen,  there are elements to create tags and their values for the selected case.   

Please enter Tag Name and Value. For example: DOB and 02/15/1980. If a template document includes a tag {DOB}, when a document link below is clicked, the system will replace {DOB} by 02/15/1980 and the finished document will be downloaded. Please use the tag {Date} in the template for printing current date. The ags {clientfname},  {clientlname},  {clientcompany},  {clientaddr1},  {clientaddr2},  {clientcity},  {clientstate},  {clientzip},  {casename},  {casereference},  {courtcasenumber} are automatically replaced from the client/case information.

Please create a word document, format it the way it should print. Use tags in the document at appropriate places and upload it using the file upload button on the screen. Upon successful upload, the document link will be displayed. Please click on the link to download the final document.   Multiple templates may be uploaded.

Tags may also be entered under Other Info tab by adding Field/Value pairs.   The benefit of using custom fields for storing tags is that Field Group may be created and quickly added to many cases.

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