Fully Automated Billing - Recurring Billing
SETUP AND FORGET AUTOMATED BILLING: CaseFox offers fully automated billing for fixed price items that are billed at selected recurrences. Setup once and CaseFox will complete the circle by automatically generating invoices for these items at selected recurrences, emailing invoices to clients and accepting online payments, recording those payments in your CaseFox account.
Setup and Forget Billing: Subscription billing is suitable when a fixed number of fixed-price one or more items need to be billed automatically to a client. For example, an IT consultant provides service to a law firm at a fixed monthly cost of $100. He also charges a $20/month expense for a third-party fee for maintaining an email server. To automate such billings, please follow these instructions:
1. Add a client (e.g., the law firm in the above example). Ensure the client's email is valid |
2. Add a case (e.g., IT Services) under the above client |
3. Under Settings/Tools/Reports -> Edit Firm's Info, enter your PayPal email address to receive online payments directly from your clients. You may also use LawPay. Provide settings under Settings/Tools/Reports-> LawPay Settings |
4. After performing the above steps, return to this screen |
5. Select client (added in step 1) |
6. Select case (added in step 2) |
7. In the screen below, select the start date of billing, recurrence, description, cost of the item, etc. If billing for time, leave Is Expense unchecked |
8. You may enter different items. They may be billed at different frequencies |
9. The system will automatically create invoices and email the link to the client's online portal to the client. The client may download invoices, view their previous payments, and make online payments. If paid online, CaseFox will automatically record the payment in your account. |
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