

CaseFox offers tight integration with various Google services.  You may login to CaseFox using your Google credentials.  Tasks created in CaseFox are seamlessly copied to your Google Tasks.  Calendar entries /events created in CaseFox are seamlessly copied to your Google Calendar.  Events created in Google Calendar may be copied to your CaseFox case calendars.  You may also use your Google Drive seamlessly from CaseFox to store case documents.
    • Related Articles

    • Login Using Google Credentials

      If you use GMail (or have a Google account) and are currently logged in, you may click on the Login Using Google Credentials link to log in without going to the CaseFox login page.
    • Connecting to multiple Google Calendars

      CaseFox can import entries from one Google Calendar but sync to multiple google calendars. First, link a main Google calendar to CaseFox by going to Settings/Tools/Reports → Google Settings. Individual users can then click on the “Google” link on the ...
    • Tasks and Events Not Syncing with Google?

      Visit Settings/Tools/Reports. Scroll down the page and find "Google Settings" on the left side bar. On the right side, link your account to Google. If already linked, unlink and link again. Re-linking may be required after you change your Google ...
    • Automatic Calendar Sync with Your Google Calendar

      To enable CaseFox to automatically create calendar entries in your Google Calendar: 1. log in to your CaseFox account. Go to "Settings/Tools/Reports" -> "Google Settings". 2. Use the button to link to your Google Contacts and Calendar. The screen ...
    • Integration List

      Law Pay Xero QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Desktop Google Drive Google Calendar Google Tasks Google Email (sending) Office365 Calendar Office365 Email (sending) OneDrive Box Dropbox PayPal For Accepting Payments