How Do I Setup My Staff's Different Hourly Rates For A Case? - CaseFox

How Do I Setup My Staff's Different Hourly Rates For A Case?

CaseFox allows you to setup your (and your staff's including contract staff) different hourly rates for a case (project). If you do not set different hourly rates for a case, your and your staff's global hourly rates are automatically used for calculating billiable amounts. Because the hourly rates are set at the case (project) basis, you can bill different cases of a same client at different rates (per your agreement with the client). For example, a litigation matter for a client may be billed at different rates from a simple transactional matter. 
Fix fees are also supported for cases (projects). You may enter the fix fee amount during a case creation or editing. The system will keep track of your billable amounts and notify you once you exceed the entered fixed fee amount. You may then add a negative amount time entry (keep the time box empty, simply enter a negative amount in the Total Cost box. You may enter a service performed description such as "Discount to bring down total fees to the prenegotiated amount." 
To set up different hourly rates for a case (project), click on the Cases (Projects) tab on the top of the page. In the left panel, select a desired case. On the right side panel, click on "Staff Access/ Rates" tab. On the screen, check the checkbox in front of a staff name. An "Edit" link will appear. Click on that link to enter a new rate. Click Update. This process will do two things, first, if the selected staff is not an administrator, the selected staff will now have access to this case (administrators have access to all cases automatically). Second, a new hourly rate (only for this case) for the selected staff will be set.
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