How to bring outstanding balance from previous system

How to bring outstanding balance from previous system

If you are switching from another system to CaseFox and have outstanding unpaid invoices.  You may enter the outstanding balance in CaseFox so that when a next invoice is created in CaseFox, the unpaid balance is included. Please follow these steps:

1. Create a client (if not already done so)
2. Create a case for the client
3. Click on "Add Note (Time/Expense)" in the case
4. Leave hour/min/Tenth Hour boxes blank.
5. Enter the outstanding amount in Total Cost box.
6. In Service Performed box, enter "Outstanding balance carry forward"
7. (If you know a break of fees and expenses outstanding balance, create two entries, one without checking "This is an expense" box (for expenses) and one without)
8. Use a past date so that this entry appears on top in the next invoice

When an invoice is generates, this amount will be included in the total.
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