How To Enter Time/Expense

How To Enter Time/Expense

1. Select the staff user on the top of the “Add Note” screen. Select date/time and enter hour/min or tenth of hours (in final PDF or LEDES invoices, hour/min will be converted into fractional hours (e.g., 1h 15m will be showns as 1.25h). Amount will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rates of the selected user. Alternatively, you can also enter an amount in the amount box (if you are entering an expense - same process as entering time - you will need to enter the amount in the amount box instead of entering hours/minutes). 
2. Check “Billable” if this note needs to be included in an invoice. You may hover the mouse pointer on edit/checkboxes to get help text. 
3. Check “Expense” if this is an expense. For billable expense, check both "Billable" and "Expense" checkboxes. Please scroll down to the bottom of this page for more information. 
4. Enter service performed (500 characters max). The text in this box will be used as a line item in an invoice. 
5. Optionally, you may enter a private note (500 characters max) in the private note box. This text is for your eyes only. This text would help you recollect case events later on. 
6. You may also enter a document url or local drive file path. You may upload a document to your google docs account, copy the document url from the browser URL bar and paste in "Attach Document Link." Please visit Storing Additional Case Information for more details. 
7. If this client requires invoices in the LEDES format, enter UTBMS task code and activity code/expense code (or select from the dropdowns). 
8. Save. The note will appear be listed in the note listing below.
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