How to Import Data from other Legal Products - CaseFox

How to Import Data from other Legal Products

Importing data from other systems:

(such as Clio, MyCase, TimeSlips, Bill4Time, TimeMatters, TSheets, Rocket Matter - all trade names of respective owners) into CaseFox®

CaseFox can import some of the data automatically when data exported from Clio and MyCase is uploaded to CaseFox

Client list, case list, and timekeeping entries from other systems may be imported into your CaseFox account. You should contact your current product vendor to seek help exporting the data in the following format. Please click on the download links for the sample case list and sample time entries below to view the format that is needed for automated data import. You may also log in to CaseFox, then click on Settings/Tools/Report. There you will find instructions and features to import client lists, case lists, and time entries.

Client List:You may export (from your existing system) your client list into an Excel sheet (or as a CSV file). Open the exported file in Excel and SaveAs into XLSX format. Each line in the sheet must include data about one client, one type of data in each column. For example, a column for First Name, a column for Last Name, ... Address... Email... etc. Columns must line up (meaning, if column 2 is for the last name, last names of all clients should be in column 2). You can import IIF formatted client lists into CaseFox too. In addition, CaseFox can also import your client list from your QuickBooks Online account as well as from your Google Contacts.

Login to CaseFox, then visit Settings/Tools/Reports - Import Clients/Contacts option.

Case List:Same as the client list. Different types of case information should be listed in different columns. One line for one case/matter. Minimum requirements: at least one column must include the client name (and that client name should appear in Client List above. The case name is also a required column.

Login to CaseFox, then visit Settings/Tools/Reports - Import Case List option for further instructions, sample file, and importing client list. You may download a sample file for importing a case list.

Timekeeping Entries:Same type of tabular data, one row for one time or expense entry. Each row must include the case name, service performed, time spent, total charged, and timekeeper name. If there are ABA codes in the entry, they should be listed in separate columns.

Login to CaseFox, then visit Settings/Tools/Reports - Import Time Entries option for further instructions, sample file, and importing client list. You may download a sample file for importing time/expense entries. TSheets exported files containing time entries may be imported without any data modifications.

Client/Case Custom Fields:If your client or case records include data that is not available in Import Clients or Cases, you may import them and attach them to respective client or case records. Please click on Import Case List under Settings/Tools/Reports for instructions.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification and help.

To keep your CaseFox account clean and uncluttered, it is recommended that you export/import data related to living cases only. Please note that we are not able to import invoices and trust account data. Please contact us should have had questions.

Exporting data from Timeslips

  • File -> Export
  • On the popup screen in the upper right-hand corner, click on the yellow plus sign
  • Click the "Next" button
  • From the template menu, choose a desired template. For example, to export clients, select Client Info Listing Report, to export Staff, select Timekeeper Info Listing Report, to export Staff Rates, select Timekeeper Rate Listing Report, to export Tasks, select Activity Rate Listing Report, and to export Expenses, select Expense Info Listing Report. It would be best to export all this data separately in different files.
  • Click on the "Finish" button
  • Click on the "Print" button. (Print to: File - comma delimited)
  • Click on the "Save" button.
  • Email all files to CaseFox.

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