How to Print Additional Information On Invoices

How to Print Additional Information On Invoices

There are three ways to print additional information on Invoices:

1.  During a manual invoice generation, enter the information to be printed in the Public Note section in Create Invoice box.

2.  To print a same information on all invoices of a client, click on "Clients" tab, select a client, click on "View/Edit Client" and enter the information to be printed on invoices for the selected client in the Additional Information box.

3.  To print additional information for all invoices for a selected case, click on "Cases (Projects)", select the case, click on "Edit Case."   Then enter the information to be printed on invoices for this cases in the description box.  However, the information to be printed must be enclosed by  these two tags  ->  [invoice]and [/invoice].

For example, if you wants to print  "My cat frights with neighbors dog too much", enter[invoice]My cat frights with neighbors dog too much[/invoice]in the description box.  The description box may have other text outside of these two tags.  That text will not be printed on PDF invoices.

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