How to Store Additional Information About a Case? - CaseFox

How to Store Additional Information About a Case?

Storing Additional Information About a Case?

In addition to storing Client and/or Case-related additional fields, You may save additional information about a case, including case documents using the following steps:


CaseFox seamlessly integrates with Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive for document storage. You can upload case documents directly from CaseFox to your own Dropbox, Box, or Google Drive account. CaseFox will then manage case document folders and display the case document list with the case data. Visit Dropbox, Box, Google Drive Integration.

Saving Client/Case Info in Custom Fields

Under the Clients and Cases (Projects) tabs, on the right side pane, click on the "Other Info" tab. You can create custom fields related to clients and cases to store additional data. For example, if you want to store the client's social security number, create a field, say, "Social Security No" and enter the client's social security number in the field value box. You also have an option to encrypt field data. If encrypted, the data value will be encrypted before being stored. You may also search clients/cases by custom field values (for unencrypted field values only).

You may also create custom field groups (Settings/Tools/Reports -> Manage Field Groups). A field group is a container for one or more custom fields. For example, if you need to store the same additional information in every family law case, create a group "Family Law" and add all necessary fields in that group. Then for family law-related cases, under Cases (Projects) -> Other Info tab, simply select this group in the dropdown and assign it to the case. All fields in the assigned group are added to the case in one click. When a group is edited to add or remove fields, added fields are automatically added to all cases to which the group is associated with. Deleted fields are also automatically deleted from all cases.

1. Login to your Google Docs/Google Drive account at Instead of Google Drive, you may also use Dropbox or any other Web-based storage service that provides individual links for each document.

2. Click on Create. Choose to create a document or a spreadsheet.

3. A blank document will open. Give it a name (click on the "Untitled document" caption to enter a name).

4. From the browser URL bar, copy the document URL. For a document, the URL should look like this ->

5. Now login to CaseFox and click on the Cases tab. Select a desired case in the left side panel.

6. Click on "Add Note (Time/Expense).

7. Enter "Additional Case Information in the attached document". Uncheck the "Show On Invoice" checkbox.

8. Click on "Attach Document Link" (just below the "Service Performed" box).

9. Enter the URL from step 4 above.

10. Save the note. You will notice a new tab named "Documents" next to the "Payments" tab.

11. Whenever you like to add/edit additional case information, go to the "Documents" tab, and click on the link. The document will open. Edit the document (information is saved automatically).

12. This link will be accessible only to you. If you want other users in the firm (or outside) to have access to this document, log in to your GoogleDocs account and add their email addresses and authorization types.

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