Income Expense Ledger - CaseFox | Legal Accounting Software

Income Expense Ledger

CaseFox maintains the income expense ledger for your firm. Income and expense activities are automatically imported from payments received from your clients and payments made to your vendors. To view the ledger, click on the Ledger tab on the top tab bar. The ledger will show income expense entries for the current year and the last year. 

You may also use "Add Income" and "Add Expense" links to add other income (not received form clients against your invoices generated in CaseFox) and other expenses (e.g., rent, travel, supplies, license fees, etc.) that is not paid through the Vendors module in CaseFox. You may edit automatically imported (from Vendors module) expense entries. You may also re-categorize ledger entries in correct categories. Income-expense transactions may also be downloaded in an Excel sheet (click on the Excel icon on the Ledger page). A consolidated statement may also be downloaded (for example, the consolidated statement will show amounts spent in different categories). 

You may also upload expense receipts to a cloud based service (Google Drive, or any similar service that provides separate URLs for individual documents) and attach those document URLs to income/expense entries (Attach document link is available in Add/Edit Income/Expense dialog box). You may also store these documents in local or shared drives. However, links to local/shared drives will not be accessible from the browser.
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