LEDES XML2.0 E-Billing Settings

LEDES XML2.0 E-Billing Settings

CaseFox is configured to generate invoices in various formats such as PDF, Word, LEDES 1998B, LEDES XML 2.0.  While some of your clients may require ebilling in LEDES 1998B format some others, especially when a jurisdiction imposes tax on services, may require bills in LEDES XML format.  In CaseFox, a client may be marked for either one of these formats and when the invoices are bulk generated for all or some clients, the system automatically generates ebills according to the clients' choices.

For LEDES XML invoices, CaseFox requires additional information. Following is the details of the information that is required to be entered for the clients who require LEDES XML 2.0 ebills.

One Invoice Per Month: Please check this box if your firm bills the clients once a month for the work performed from the first to the end of the month. This checkbox, if checked, will cause the end and start dates of the ebill to the first and the last of the month. Or if a bill spans across multiple months, the start date of the bill will be the first of the month of the earliest time/expense entry in the bill and the end date will be the last day of the latest time/expense entry in the bill. 

If this box is not checked, the first day of the bill will be the earliest time/expense entry and the last day will be the date of the latest time/expense entry in the bill.

Tax Jurisdiction (taxing_jurisdiction) 


Name of the taxing jurisdiction. Use accepted abbreviations for state or province mandated by the country's postal service; do not abbreviate country names. For Canadian PST, taxing_jurisdiction for Ontario would be "ON"; for Local tax in New York City, taxing_jurisdiction would be "New York"; for state tax in Georgia, taxing_jurisdiction would be "GA"; for VAT tax in France, taxing_jurisdiction would be "France".  

Tax Type (tax_type )


Type of tax. Based on a value specified by the client. Examples in US: "Federal", "State", "Local". Examples in Canada: "GST", "HST", "PST", "TVQ".  

Tax Percentage (tax_rate_percent)


Percentage tax rate against charge, i.e. 7.25% tax_rate_percent would be represented as "0.0725".  

The value in this field is always positive. Withholding (a negative tax) is indicated in this field as a positive number and @TAX.increase_decrease = Decrease.

Your tax ID (tax_id_number) 


Tax ID Number for law firm or vendor associated with specific tax.  

This client's tax d (cl_tax_id) 


The client's tax id number to which law firm taxes are charged.

Fee Work Location (fee_work_location)


The location where the work was performed that supports the taxes appearing in the @TAX_ITEM_FEE Segment. For example, in Canada appropriate values would be the Province; if City or other local tax is charged would be City or locality. Use accepted abbreviations for state or province mandated by the country's postal service; do not abbreviate country names.  
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