Litigation Advisor / GreatAmerica Format Invoices - CaseFox

Litigation Advisor / GreatAmerica Format Invoices

In addition to generating invoices in PDF, Word, LEDES 1998B, ESIS Advocator, and Juris formats, CaseFox also generates invoices in Litigation Advisor /GreatAmerican /Chubb format. At present, these invoices can be downloaded from Dashboard only. Click on the "Download Litigation Advisor Invoice" icon (watch the tooltip) in the invoice listing to download the Litigation Advisor format invoice file.

In order to generate valid LitigationAdvisor format invoices, Please follow these steps:

In Cases, Edit Case tab, enter Claim Number in Client Matter Id field and Matter Number in the Docket Number field.

Either under the Clients or Cases tab (select desired client or case respectively), click on the "Other Info" tab and create two field/value pairs:

A. DIVISION_NAME in field value textbox, enter the value, e.g., Alternative Markets
B. DIVISION_LOCATION  in field value textbox, enter the value, e.g., CINCINNATI

Log time/expense and generate invoices as usual (please click on "Tour" on the upper right corner of this page for instructions). LitigationAdvisor format invoice will be created automatically when an invoice is created. These invoices can be downloaded in bulk from the Dashboard -> Invoices Button.