Single or Multiple Trust Accounts

Single or Multiple Trust Accounts

CaseFox can handle multiple trust accounts. Hence, if you have multiple trust accounts with your bank(s), you can replicate those accounts in CaseFox and then "Add" or "Withdraw" funds. Alternatively, you may also create just one trust account in CaseFox. CaseFox automatically keeps track of fund add/withdraw by clients. Use "Trust Accounts" tab on the top buttonbar to view all trust accounts and transactions (separated by client names) for all clients. To view transactions for a specific client, click on "Clients" tab and then on the right side panel, click on "Trust Funds" tab.


Starting balance is the money in a trust account that belongs to the attorney or the firm. In some jurisdictions, it is permissible to use your own funds (small amount such as $50) to cover bank charges (if your jurisdiction does not allow putting your own funds, use 0 as starting balance). If an existing trust account with the bank that your are replicating in CaseFox already has client funds, DO NOT use the entire amount as "Starting Balance." If you do this, CaseFox would not know which client or clients this money belong to. Therefore, after creating a new trust account in CaseFox (using either 0 starting balance or starting balance that reflect your own money), Use "Add Funds" option to add funds to the newly created account. the Add Funds option will require you to select a client for whom you are adding these funds. This way CaseFox will know which client owns this money. If you then try to withdraw for a client and if the client does not have sufficient funds in the trust account, CaseFox will stop you from withdrawing the funds.
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