Tracking Non-Billable Time, MCLE hours, etc.

Tracking Non-Billable Time, MCLE hours, etc.

CaseFox allows you to track not only billable time but also personal and non-billable time.  For clients, when entering time, you may uncheck "Show on Invoice" checkbox and CaseFox will not present that entry for invoicing during invoice generation.  You may later edit the time entry to make the previously marked non-billable time to make it billable.

Moreover, you may also create a new client and enter your own information (so basically you are setting yourself or your firm as a client in CaseFox).  Then, you may create a number of a cases under this new client. For example, one case may be "Educational" and log time against this case to track your ( and other members of firm ) time spent on educational activities.  You may also create another case "MCLE" to track MCLE hours, etc.