What We Do

What We Do

CaseFox, Inc. is a Silicon Valley, California-based firm that provides cloud-based time and billing software solutions for attorneys, accountants, freelancers, and other professionals to manage time tracking and billing/invoicing aspects of their practices. CaseFox also features case notes management,trust accounts management, expense tracking, tasks, and many other useful features. The philosophy of CaseFox is one of providing the best services to clients at a reasonable cost. CaseFox is designed by practicing attorneys and targeted toward solos, small/medium/virtual law/accounting/consulting firms. CaseFox engineers are continuously working to add more features and to make the product even more useful. CaseFox is not simply atime trackingandbilling system, you can track and manage your cases/projects using CaseFox. You can also track the work of multiple users in one place. Please visit CaseFox Help Pages for useful information and FAQ. We will welcome your inquiries and questions about us and the product. Our contact information can be found on the Contact Us page. For general inquiries, please send an email to service@casefox.com.

CaseFox provides various advantages over the use of in-house installed time and billing software. First, you don't need to manage hardware/software and make sure data is properly backed up. Second, unlike your in-house system, you don't need to upgrade hardware or software. Further, CaseFox is available 24/7 from anywhere and the cost of using CaseFox is very low compared to your in-house installation and the time you have to spend on managing it. The time you spend on managing, maintaining, backing up and upgrading may be coming from your billable hours and as a result may be costing you a whole lot more than just the licensing fees. CaseFox is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. There is nothing to install or upgrade. We continuously upgrade CaseFox and upgrades are automatically and transparently offered to users.
If you are a solo professional or a small/medium/virtual firm, you may be hiring contract workers (e.g., contract attorneys) from time to time (if not today, you might do so tomorrow as your practice/business grows). CaseFox is a multi-user system that provides role-based access to data. Just like staff members of your firm, your contract workers can also login (using their own user ID/password) into your CaseFox account and enter their time and expenses. These contract worker users will not see any other data in your CaseFox account. You can convert a staff user to a contract user and vice versa with just one click. Generating invoices is easy (CaseFox even offers automatic bulk invoice creation, click one button, and invoices for all clients and cases will be created automatically). The previously entered time/expense data is automatically used for generating invoices. Invoices can be emailed to clients with just one click. You can also export your client list, case list, and enter time data into Excel files. All in all, you will find CaseFox a very friendly and time/money-saving system.
CaseFox is a secure system. The Internet channel from your browser to our server is SSL-encrypted to prevent any snooping. Our servers are hosted by a top-quality hosting firm that follows industry standards for data protection. For additional data security, we also encrypt some critical data before it is stored in CaseFox database.
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