Xero Accounting

Xero Accounting

CaseFox provides best in the class time tracking features and Xero is the leader in small business accounting. Now track your time in CaseFox and generate invoices for all clients with just one click. Then transparently copy the invoices to your Xero account. As simple as that. No more wasting time in repetitive data entry. 

Try it out today. Sign-up for free. Full featured basic account (unlimited clients, up to 4 matters and up to 2 timekeepers) is forever free. Please click on the Features link above to learn more about what CaseFox offers. 

Please click on the Demo link to watch a five minute video or click on the Tour page to learn how to get started with CaseFox. CaseFox offers highly intuitive and easy to use user interface. 

No special training is needed for transferring invoices to Xero. After creating invoices in CaseFox, Click on the Invoices button on the Dashboard and select "Copy Invoices to Xero Accounting" option. Select month and year and all invoices created in the selected month and year are displayed. You may then select one or more invoices to transparently transfer them to your Xero account within seconds.


Special Instructions

Your invoice line items must not have "No Charge" or "Flat Fees" entries (allowed in CaseFox but not allowed in Xero). To successfully copy an invoice to Xero, in every line item of the invoice, "hourly rates x total hours" (for time entries) and "quantity x unit price" (for expense entries) must be equal to line item total cost. "No Charge" entries are in which hourly rates are mentioned but the total cost (of the line item) was changed to zero. Flat fees item is when no time is entered but the total cost of a line item is manually entered.

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