Yearly Subscription Plans - CaseFox | Legal Billing Software

Yearly Subscription Plans

You may buy a twelve month subscription by prepaying 10 months of monthly subscription fees. For example, if you pre-pay $100, you will receive a twelve month subscription of the Silver plan. You can still cancelanytime and receive a prorated refund (all refunds are paid via PayPal). The refund will be calculated using the following formula: 
Refund Amount = (Amount Paid/12) X Unused whole months 
Example: if you prepay $100 and use CaseFox for 3 months and 10 days, you will receive a refund for unused 8 months ( 100/12 x 8). 
If you upgrade to a higher plan in the middle of your yearly subscription, the following formula will be used for calculated the new subscription amount. 
Refund from the previous yearly plan = (Amount Paid/12) X (12 - Used whole months)
[ Example: if you upgrade after 3 months and 10 days : 100/12 x 9] 
The new plan, can be based on a regular monthly fees or can be prepaid for a year. If prepaid for a year, 10 months of monthly fees will buy a subscription for 12 months. The new plan will start on the upgrade date and will run for 12 months (for a yearly plan).
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