Tax On Invoices - Multiple Taxes
In some jurisdictions, one or more taxes such as Central GST + Local GST + potentially other services taxes may be imposed. CaseFox allow configuring multiple groups of these taxes and associating the tax groups to different clients. Scenarios: 1. If ...
Search and Retrieve Invoice
An invoice can be retrieved by entering Invoice# in the box (and clicking on Retrieve button) inUnpaid Invoices section on the Dashboard. Retrieve can pull an invoice irrespective of its paid/unpaid status. To display unpaid invoice list again, ...
Late Payment Interest Calculations
When late payment interest amount is added to a client under Clients -View Client/Edit tab, the system will calculate interest when an invoiceis downloaded (i.e., PDF icon is clicked ) meaning on that date andinterest is calculated on all unpaid ...
Bulk Generate Invoices: Automatically Generating Invoices for Cases in which no work has been done in the invoicing period but there are previous past due invoices
By default, no invoices are generated for cases in which no billable work has been done in the selected invoicing period. If the Generate Past Due Invoices (under Settings/Tools/Reports-> Invoice/General Settings -- look for a checkbox for this ...
Generate Invoices in Draft Mode
By default, invoices are generated as "Final" ready to be sent to clients. However, if a discrepancy is found during the review, notes (time/expense entries) in the invoices can be edited and those edits are automatically reflected in the invoices. ...
How to Create Invoice with No Tax on Expenses
In the jurisdictions where tax/VAT is levied on billed amounts, during invoice generation (either Bulk Invoice Generation or Individual Invoice Generation), VAT/Tax rate may be entered. However, in some jurisdictions, out of pocket expenses may not ...
Invoice in Local Language/ Translation
Under Settings/Tools/Reports -> Invoice Field Translations, you may enter translations of invoice fields to generate invoices in your own language. Your time entries are printed on invoices as they were entered, hence, no further translation is ...
Payment OverDue Reminders
When a case or matter is setup, you can choose payment terms (e.g., due on receipt, 30 days, 45 days). System will keep track of over due invoices based on these payment terms. Overdue notices can be downloaded in ready to be printed PDF/Word format ...
Pre Bill
CaseFox is designed to be simple and straight forward. CaseFox handles pre-billing differently to avoid repetitive actions and keep the interface simple. Generate invoices as usual and use the first version as pre-bill. On the Dashboard, in the ...
CONTACT-TITLE field in Other Info tab
1. To show client's name as "Mr." or "Ms.", you may enter the full name as it should appear on invoices in the company field of the client. 2. To display text such as "President" after client name on invoices, enter this title under the "Other Info" ...
Invoice Templates
Two templates are provided for PDF invoices. Default templates is configurable via Invoice Settings and provide greater details. A simplistic invoice template is also provided. To use the simplistic template, click on Settings/Tools/Reports -> ...
Deleting Multiple Invoices At Once
On Dashboard, in Unpaid Invoices section, click on Delete Selected Invoices link. A pop-up will be shown as a result. The pop-up will show invoices for selected Month/Year. Invoices with no payments will be shown. One or more invoices can be selected ...
ESIS Advocator Invoices
In addition to generating invoices in PDF, Word, LEDES 1998B and Juris formats, CaseFox also generates invoices in ESIS Advocator format. At present, these invoices can be downloaded from Dashboard only. Click on "Download Advocator ESIS Invoice" ...
Default Message on Invoice
1. CaseFox supports placing a default message on invoices. For adding a default message for all invoices for a selected client, click on "Clients" tab, select the client, then click on "Client Details/Edit" on the right side tabbed pane. In "Text To ...
Custom Invoice Numbers
Default invoice numbers start at the number 101. To set a custom invoice number pattern, please visit Settings/Tools/Reports->Invoice/General Settingsoption. Custom invoice number includes three parts. A prefix, a suffix and a starting number. Prefix ...
Combining Invoices of a Client
You can combine multiple invoices of a same client. After generating invoices for different cases/matters (or projects) of a client (either one by one manually or using the One-Click Batch Invoice Generation feature), visit the "Clients" tab and ...
Batch / Auto Invoice Generation
To generate invoices for all your clients/cases (projects) using all previously unbilled-time and expenses, please follow these instructions (for generating an invoice manually in two clicks for a case, see Getting Started paragraph 12 onward): ...
Editing Invoice
An invoice can be edited simply by editing notes (time/expense entries). Alternatively, the invoice may be deleted and recreated. After editing one or more notes that were previously added to the invoice, simply download the invoice again. No other ...
Generating Invoices For All Clients With One Click
You and your people (including contract staff) can enter time and expenses in CaseFox as you work on projects/cases. At a month-end (or whenever you so desire), just click one button and all your invoices will be automatically generated. That is less ...
Write Off Invoice
In the listing of Invoices under "Clients" or "Cases (Projects)" tabs, "Write Off" links are displayed below the invoiced amounts for each invoice in the list. Clicking on this link will cause the remaining due to be written off. For written off ...
Entering Discounts
Method 1: Sometimes clients want to see fees at regular rates and a discount to bring the hourly rates or fix fees to negotiated rates/fixed fees. To generate invoices that comply with these requirements, you can set your billing rates as your normal ...
How To Edit An Invoice
An invoice can be edited simply by editing corresponding notes (time/expense entries) by going to "Cases (Projects)" -> selecting the case beloging to the invoice. Alternatively, the invoice may be deleted and recreated. After editing one or more ...
How To Create LEDES Format Invoices. LEDES 1998B and LEDES XML2.0 Formats are supported.
The Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard is an electronically billing file format. LEDES file format is typically used by law firms for billing, if required by one of their clients. It is abbreviated LEDES and is usually pronounced as "leeds". ...