Random Questions
Account Receivable - Split Billing or Multi Payer Cases
On the Dashboard, Account Receivable button generates an account receivable report to show a list of clients/invoices that are unpaid. Another sheet in the downloaded workbook includes a list of payers in various split billing cases with unpaid ...
Remaining budget report
CaseFox allows configuring cases to have maximum fee/total charges (or budget). For such cases, they system ensures that total billing does not exceed the budget or max charges. The budget or max charges may be changed at any time. Under Run Reports ...
Fully Automated Billing - Recurring Billing
SETUP AND FORGET AUTOMATED BILLING: CaseFox offers fully automated billing for fixed price items that are billed at selected recurrences. Setup once and CaseFox will complete the circle by automatically generating invoices for these items at selected ...
What is "Final" column in Invoice List on Dashboard
Using the checkbox in the invoice list on the Dashboard, an invoice can be turned into draft or final. Checked means final. A draft invoice will show "Draft Invoice" caption in PDF. After editing the invoice, the checkbox can be checked to indicate ...
Disable Black Popups (Black color tooltip texts)
Help text or tooltips are provided on various screens to provide brief information about various controls on the screen. Simply hover the mouse over a control to receive a pop-up containing helpful text. You may however enable or disable those black ...
Changing Staff Hourly Rates - Old Entries
When staff hourly rates for all clients/cases, a particular client or a particular case are changed, the new rates are applied to future time entries. Old time entries are not changed. If you desire to change old time entries for the new rates, you ...
Recording Invoice Payments in Multiple Payer Cases
Q: I have a matter where there are six different payers. When I go to post the payment from one of the payers, there is no place for me to select the correct payer. Thus, the payor and client's balances are off. How do I do this. A: 1. First, if not ...
Billing Reports
Non-admin users can click on "My Billing" button on the dashboard to get a total number of hours logged in various periods. In addition, towards the top of the screen, there is a link "All My Entries" that will produce an Excel file with a listing of ...
Box Cloud Storage Integration
CaseFox integrates with Box.net, Dropbox and Google Drive. That means documents related to your cases, when stored in CaseFox, are actually stored in your own Box, Dropbox or Google Drive accounts. CaseFox creates a root folder and then one folder ...
Connecting to multiple Google Calendars
CaseFox can import entries from one Google Calendar but sync to multiple google calendars. First, link a main Google calendar to CaseFox by going to Settings/Tools/Reports → Google Settings. Individual users can then click on the “Google” link on the ...
Entering retainer payment in a multiple payer case
At the beginning of a case that involves multiple payers, create a client and a case as usual. Then create a client records (Add Client button) for the second payer (system supports any number of additional payers). Then under the Cases (Projects) ...
Client Online Portal URL is compromised or needs to be changed
If a client portal URL (which includes an almost impossible to remember code word) is compromised (suspected to have fallen into wrong hands), simply delete the client portal url in Settings/Tools/Reports -> Client Online Portals and recreate another ...
Fix Budget Project Monitoring
CaseFox supports entering budget for a project. Under the Cases (Projects) tab, select a case, then on the right side click on the Edit Case tab. Enter "Budget/Max. Charges". Enter 0 for no budget. Budget can be changed later. You may also indicate ...
Viewing Archived Cases
On the Dashboard, please click on the Cases button in the group of color buttons. This will generate an excel file. One of the columns in the file indicates whether the case is archived or open. Alternatively, click on the Cases (Projects) tab, then ...
Check Printing
CaseFox offers a simple check printing mechanism from the withdrawal entries in trust/operating accounts. To print checks, simply click on the printer icon in the withdrawal entries. You will need to perform a one time setup to align your check ...
Previous Due Amounts from Old System
If you recently moved to CaseFox from a different billing system. You may bring unpaid invoice amounts to CaseFox by entering a time or expense entry in a corresponding case in CaseFox. For example, suppose "Divorce of Bates” case had a prior balance ...
How to delete a case and client
1. Delete all payments under the Payments tab of the case being deleted. 2. Delete all invoices of the case 3. Delete all time/expense entries. Entries may be deleted one by one or all in one click ( Classic UI -> under More.. button located above ...
How to run a report for a particular timekeeper
Settings/Tools/Reports -> Run Report Select timekeeper in the Staff dropdown.
Linking to Dropbox
Simply upload any file to any case by going to Cases (Projects), then on the right hand side, click on the Documents tab. First time the system will redirect to Dropbox login page. Once successfully logged into your Dropbox account and clicked on the ...
How to track payment of expenses
Fees and expenses in a case are billed in the same way, by generating an invoice. When client sends a check, they do not specify if the check is for fees or expenses. So you pay the invoices agnostic to whether the payment is for fees or for ...
Upgrading Account
To upgrade the account: 1. Click on Settings/Tools/Reports 2. Click on Payment Options 3. Enter Credit Card or use Paypal. 4. After Saving, select appropriate plan on the screen that would appear after successfully saving the credit card info. 5. ...
No Charge Time Entry
1. If using Quick Entry, there is a check box that reads "No Charge Entry" 2. If using normal "Add Note" screen, after entering tenth hours you will see the total cost of the entry in the Total Cost box. Simply change the cost to 0 and save.
Is CaseFox Timekeeping and Billing Software Suitable For Patent Attorneys?
Yes. Many patent firms are using CaseFox for their timekeeping and invoicing needs. CaseFox can generate LEDES invoices for patent cases as easily as other types of cases/matters.